150 Days of Game Dev – Participating in #100DaysOfGameDev

As of writing this, I have passed the 150th day spent on game development. Whether it is spent on research, development, or design I have been logging these days on Game Dev Friends Club discord channel.  Also, I should add there were some days solely on research or study that not made the cut to … Continue reading 150 Days of Game Dev – Participating in #100DaysOfGameDev

DF2: Easy (Indie) Way To Create a Privacy Policy For Google Play

Disclaimer: As of writing this daily finding I used this approach. This does not mean I am very knowledgable on the topic, I just find this approach useful. I do not declare this provides all the legal output needed to create a policy and suggest further research on the topic. Otherwise, you are free to … Continue reading DF2: Easy (Indie) Way To Create a Privacy Policy For Google Play

How To Be The Last In A Game Jam | LOWREZJAM2018 Reverse Case Study

This summer I joined my first game jam, the result was unexpectedly and reversedly the best. There are some things I did and did not If you follow this experience you may get similar or reverse results. Let’s start with what is a game jam. Game jams are events that have a theme or some … Continue reading How To Be The Last In A Game Jam | LOWREZJAM2018 Reverse Case Study