Lessons Learned From Exporting Models From Maya And 3ds Max To Unity | DF3

It is not always easy exporting models from 3d design software to Unity. In our course project, our designer teammates model with Maya but I also tweak pivots and orientations on 3ds Max.  We meet with some obstacles while exporting models from Maya to Unity, and sometimes with 3ds Max too.

As a Daily Findings post, I would like to list some with the solutions found from experience.

No textures when exported from 3ds Max


You swear there are textures on your model but on unity Extract Textures.. option is grayed out.

Likely, you did not include media in your export.

Do so by checking Embed Media, in Embed Media setting while exporting the model.


Doing that solved my problem and textures are loaded.


Short Answer: Use Embed Media while exporting your models.

Scale of the model is not normalized ie. not (1,1,1) and it gets crazy when you try to scale it on Unity

For Maya, not my direct experience, but works from shared experience;

byu/nickoli_II from discussion

use Transform Freeze and the above problem is out of sight.

For 3ds Max I use Reset Scale on Hierarchy tab


3ds Max, imported object comes with a rotation

I had read this online some time ago, sadly I won’t be able to share to source but since then I have been using it and very happy with results.

When you import your objects to Unity, they come with a rotation even though you had chosen the correct up axis on the export settings.


Before exporting, spending extra time to edit rotation of the pivot of the object so that the up axis is actually the y-axis in 3ds Max solves unwanted rotations when models are imported to unity.

That’s it for this Daily Findings posts. I hope this will be helpful. If you would like to see more of these kinds of post please consider following this blog.

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